Ebook An Introduction to the Study of the Gospels di Brooke Foss Westcott edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook An Introduction to the Study of the Gospels



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Descrizione Ebook An Introduction to the Study of the Gospels

In issuing the new edition of this Essay, I can only repeat what I said nearly six years ago. The book remains with all its shortcomings such as it was when first written. Once again some mistakes which I had detected myself, and others which friends pointed out to me, have been corrected: a few additions have been made; a few phrases have been modified; but this is all that has been done in revision, nor did I purpose to do more. If the Essay has any value, it lies chiefly, 1 believe, in the encouragement which it offers to students who desire to examine the records of our Faith with patient and devout trust in the Spirit of Truth. They will know, scarcely less well than I do, where the fulfilment of my plan falls short of the design; but they will know also the certainty of the assurance, which each days work makes stronger, that Holy Scripture opens treasures new and old to men and to Churches, now as in former times, when the scribe becomes a disciple of the kingdom of God.

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