Ebook Old Testament History di Ismar J. Peritz edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook Old Testament History



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Descrizione Ebook Old Testament History

The present treatment of Old Testament history aims to conform to the object of the series as handbooks to Bible study. The Bible itself is, accordingly, the main primary source. In each Section the biblical text, as indicated in the margin, is the basis Of the discussion, and requires the first attention of the student. Where the biblical material is most abundant the history is consequently the fullest. But it has become increasingly evident that the material of the Bible is not chronologically arranged, but that accounts centuries apart in their origin and point of view are Often found side by Side or interwoven with each other. The recognition of this fact is the result of the historical and scientific method of the Bible study of our day. It will account for the order and method here adopted. If the reason for the procedure is not always fully stated, it is due to the design of the series not to deal SO much with the process as with the results achieved. Only where Silence would leave the biblical situation obscure was it deemed necessary to enter into the discussion of critical questions, and then only in the briefest way possible. The logical movement of Old Testament history which is the outcome of the critical use of the biblical material proves ultimately its strongest justification.

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