Ebook The Terminology of the Vedas and European Scholars di Pandit Guru Datta Vidyarthi edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook The Terminology of the Vedas and European Scholars



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Descrizione Ebook The Terminology of the Vedas and European Scholars

Hence, the second representative man — Christ — whose nature was divine and taintless, voluntarily underwent a sinner' s death, that the taint of the old corrupted nature transferred to him might die also. But this is not all. The great central truth of our religion lies not so much in the fact of Christ's death as in the fact of His continued se. (rom. Viii. The first fact is that He of His own free-will died; but the second and more important fact is that He rose again and lives eternally, that He may bestow life for death and a participation in His own divine nature in place of the taint which He has removed.

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