Ebook A System of Biblical Psychology di Franz Delitzsch edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook A System of Biblical Psychology



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Descrizione Ebook A System of Biblical Psychology

The translator is assured that nothing is needed on his part to commend this remarkable work to the philosophical student of theology in England, beyond an apology for the imperfections of the English garb in which it appears. The great and growing interest of the subject, and the profound and exhaustive learning which the author1 has brought to bear upon its treatment, had made the translation of this booka desideratum to many, who only knew it by casual refer ence and quotation, long before this attempt was contemplated. But the hope that such a work would fall into thoroughly competent hands was indulged ln vain, when, by the enterprise of the publishers of the Foreign Theological Library, the pre sent translator was encouraged to do what he could to supply the need. The result of his endeavour is here presented to the English biblical student as a mine of wonderful depth and fertility, which will well repay those who have the courage to pierce through a somewhat unattractive surface.

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