Ebook Complete Report on Construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct di Los Angeles Public Service Commissioners edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook Complete Report on Construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct



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Descrizione Ebook Complete Report on Construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct

The construction of the aqueduct that brings the waters of Owens River across 250 miles of desolate and rugged country to the City of Los Angeles set a new standard of public ser vice for American municipalities. No other public work at all comparable in magnitude to the aqueduct has been accomplished within the limits of cost and time fixed by the engin eers in their first estimates. It is not an ex aggeration to say that the builders of the aque duct established a world's record of efficiency and economy. They promised that the work should be done in five years, and water dcliv ered at the San Fernando reservoir at a cost of They began work in 1908, and they brought the water to San Fernando in 1913 at a cost within the original estimate.

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