Ebook How to Become a Citizen of the United States of America di Charles Kallmeyer edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook How to Become a Citizen of the United States of America



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Descrizione Ebook How to Become a Citizen of the United States of America

Every civilized State has its sovereign power. In the Old World kingdoms the monarch is the sovereign, but in the United States of America the people is the sovereign, and the law for the government of the people is the expressed word and utterance of the people. All sovereign power, that is, the power to govern and to make laws for that purpose, resides in the people, and if a law is not wise and good the people, through elected representatives, may revoke it. Hence, every citizen being in this sense a part of the law-making power in this country, it becomes the earnest duty of every one, as a unit of the whole people, to understand the character of our government and the principles upon which it is based.

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