Ebook An Elementary Laboratory Course in Chemistry di Frank B. Kenrick edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook An Elementary Laboratory Course in Chemistry



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Descrizione Ebook An Elementary Laboratory Course in Chemistry

The course of practical chemistry outlined in this book is intended for students who are beginning the subject and at the same time taking a course of lectures on general chemistry. It was arranged primarily for the first year Arts course Of the University of Toronto, in which all science students — whether they are taking chemistry for two years only or whether they intend to Specialise in this subject — are required to do exactly the same work in their first year. It has been necessary therefore to keep in view the twofold object of giving the former class of students, in a very limited period, as fair an idea as possible of the general nature of chemistry, and at the same time, of providing the latter class with a good working basis for their subsequent course. Owing to the short time spent in the laboratory (two afternoons a week) many important principles have been necessarily omitted. The principles especially emphasised, however, are those which, on account Of their inherent difficulty or Of some traditional error in previous in struction, generally appear to give most trouble to the student.

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