Ebook Ignaz Jan Paderewski di Edward Algernon Baughan edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook Ignaz Jan Paderewski



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Descrizione Ebook Ignaz Jan Paderewski

The professional critic is rather at a disadvan tage in dealing with an idol of the public. His occupation compels him to find a reason for his appreciations he may not be enthusi astic without measure, for his nature makes him see both brilliancy and ?aws in the rarest gems Of art; indeed, the ?aws act as a foil to the brilliancies. And so it comes about that the professional critic is Often at loggerheads with the verdict Of the public, or appears to be so. The public has hailed Paderewski as the greatest of living pianists. The critic may feel that in many respects he is, but cannot, if he would, endorse that enthusiastic verdict without clauses Of limitation, and if he be not a master Of his craft his verdict will seem all limitations and but very little enthusiasm.

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