Ebook Food and Life di Marion Florence Lansing edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook Food and Life



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Descrizione Ebook Food and Life

From its pages the child will learn the facts he should know concerning the great Food Business into which he is born and in which he is a partner. He will be led to see the need of his becoming an intelligent and active partner. He will come into a sense of the world brotherhood which is the hope of the future. The ethical side is often more natural to the child than the technical details. There is hardly a virtue or an ideal of family, community, and world life which does not take a natural place in a study of the fundamental human problem of food. The actual facts are most interesting when presented simply and entertainingly. Knowledge recently contributed by science has made this a new subject, and one far more readily grasped by boys and girls than it could have been five or even two years ago. With a sufficient amount of information to make the book a c'omplete and satisfying whole, the aim has been to suggest as well as to inform. From this book the child goes to the geography lesson, to the physiology and domestic-science class, to the garden, to the store, and to the home with a newly awakened interest. Not only does he know knowing, he is stimulated at each point to do. The chapters will serve their purpose best if the knowledge each imparts is a stimulus, not an end. Together they provide the necessary background of information, education, and inspiration for the child's life as it relates to and is interpreted by his food.

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