Ebook Two Pages From Roman History di Daniel Deleon edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook Two Pages From Roman History



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The translation of nearly all the Socialist classics into the English language has placed Socialist argument upon a sound economic basis in America. While these theoretical contributions of the thinkers in Europe are valuable to the American Movement, capitalist development in this coun try and the social and political phenomena inseparably con nected therewith, have peculiarly fitted the American So cialist militant for the practical consideration of questions arising from them. Just now, when Aesop's fable of the philosopher who fell into the well is being illustrated by many of the mental giants in theoretical lore who are lead ing the working class movement in Europe into the pitfalls of petty bourgeois Socialism or into the mire of official inac tivity, American Socialists can repay their debt of grati tude to the European philosophers by pointing out the dangers that lie in the path along which Socialism must labor. Fact, in America, has taken the place of theory. The tragedy of Capitalism is no longer: produced on the stage, but is enacted in everyday life. Idealism has given way to realism. And the American invasion will soon force similar conditions in Europe.

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