Easy Spells, Charms and Potions to Attract Money, Love and Happiness! di Debbie Brewer edito da Lulu.com
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Easy Spells, Charms and Potions to Attract Money, Love and Happiness!







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Descrizione Easy Spells, Charms and Potions to Attract Money, Love and Happiness!

Everyone has the power to tap into the magic needed to attract money, love and happiness. Use the easy to cast spells, charms and potions within this book to improve your life and be amazed by the power you will be able to command and direct. There is also indexes of the Gods and Goddesses, magic herbs, colours, and crystals which can influence and add potency to your spells. Cast spells to: Attract Love, Attract Friendship, Mend a Broken Relationship, Find a Lost Item, Attract Money, Attract Wealth, Get a Job, Achieve Work Promotion, Keep Safe on a Journey, Create a Good Outcome on a Deal, Send Happiness, Get Back in Touch with a Long-Lost Friend, Get Back in Touch with a Past Lover, Make your House Calm, Increase your Creativity, Improve a Specific Skill, Choose a Colour, Make the Right Decision, Raise your Motivation, Make a Project Become a Success, Choose a Season, Choose a Month, Improve Sleep, Banish Nightmares, Detect a truth or lie, And enjoy your spell casting success!

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