Earth Invasion di Sgt. Wayne Anthony Pope Sr. U. S. Army edito da iUniverse
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Earth Invasion







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Descrizione Earth Invasion

A battlefield soldier returns home to alcoholism while suffering from PTSD only to discover several mystifying nationality of escaping slave aliens. They accidently landed on earth while escaping from their planet as he befriends them only to finds himself incarcerated by his own government without trial jury or warning. Not long after America find themselves facing another Blood Thirty Predator Invader that brings our world to the brink of nuclear world war like never before. Another Alien Species known as Interspace Universal Protectors arrives, this alone could changes all that we ever knowns about ourselves forever. This world we call earth has no choice but to unit or wait for its own destruction until an oath among the world most powerful countries is taking. The once Invaded takes on an outer space adventure hoping to bringing death to its Invaders. This suspenseful intriguing heroic none stop action violent thriller of life-death and liberty...this defying story is unforgettable as we search for what exist beyond our own diseased imagination, for we are the Aliens in their Existence. "Are We Alone?" John 3:16

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