Earning High Yield in a Low Yield World di Martin I Goodman edito da iUniverse
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Earning High Yield in a Low Yield World

Your Guide To Understanding California Mortgage Pools







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Descrizione Earning High Yield in a Low Yield World

Most investors want to earn high yields with reduced risk. Mortgage pools offer an excellent opportunity to diversify your portfolio and increase your investment yield. It always amazes me how little investors really know about the company in which they are investing. I have given dozens of seminars and met with hundreds of investors, and maybe one out of ten asks the smart questions that let them make a sound investment decision. This book unravels the mystery of mortgage pools and their underlying assets. It was written to help investors intimately understand mortgage pools and how to conduct the necessary research to determine which investments are right for them. Obtaining higher yields takes work, but with thorough due diligence and a comprehensive understanding of the investment, you can achieve the yields you desire and sleep well at night too. Martin I. Goodman, Founder Residential Capital Mortgage Income Fund, LLC

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