Early blight disease of potato and it's management di Sahar Murmu edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Early blight disease of potato and it's management





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Descrizione Early blight disease of potato and it's management

Field trial was conducted to test the efficacy of seven different fungicides (Difenoconazole, Propiconazole, Hexaconazole, Melodyduo, Propineb, carbendazim, and Ridomil), four plant extracts (Tea, Garlic, Onion and Neem leaf extract) and four bio-control agents (T. viride, Pseudomonas fluorescence, Streptomyces graseoviridis and Bacillus substilis) in controlling of early blight of potato. These antifungal compounds were applied 4 times at 7days interval after first appearance of the symptom of disease in the field. It was observed that fungicides and bio control agents had effect in reduction of disease. Plant extracts were tried but only neem had got some effects on reduction of disease. Highest per cent disease reduction (57.88%) and highest yield of tuber (27.03%) occurred in plots where sprayed with difenoconazole at 0.025% concentration followed by melodyduo and propiconazole with per cent disease reduction 55.98%, 51.90% and yield 26.30 t/ha and 24.53 t/ha. But propiconazole exhibited highest inhibition of radial growth (73.61%) and inhibition of spore germination (100%) compared to other treatments in in vitro condition.

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