Eagles of Destiny Volume 2: Birth and Growth of the Pakistani Air Force, 1947-1971 di Usman Shabbir, Yawar Mazhar edito da HELION & CO
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Eagles of Destiny Volume 2: Birth and Growth of the Pakistani Air Force, 1947-1971

Volume 2 - Birth And Growth Of The Pakistani Air Force, 1947-1971







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Descrizione Eagles of Destiny Volume 2: Birth and Growth of the Pakistani Air Force, 1947-1971

"...well written, solidly researched with detailed citation, and filled with historical facts and personal anecdotes." -- The Journal of the Air Force Historical FoundationEagles of Destiny Volume 2 is a detailed account of the transformation of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) with the help of the first US assistance program, and how its leadership utilized this opportunity to create a modern air force. It provides detailed coverage of the PAF's participation in the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War, based on official documentation and material from private collections that were previously not available to the public. The story of the Pakistan Air Force during this period is concluded by the coverage of the first build-up with the Chinese support, against the backdrop of US sanctions, highlighting and discussing the challenges and response.Finally, the book provides detailed coverage of PAF operations during the 1971 War with India, including several first-hand accounts by key officers. Between 1956 and 1971, the PAF inducted a number of new weapon systems, including US-made F-86 Sabres, French-made Mirages, and Chinese-made F-6s. These developments and PAF's strategy are all discussed in great detail.Richly illustrated, and almost entirely based on accounts never published before, Eagles of Destiny Volume 2 provides a unique insight from professionals who were either directly involved, or witnessed the affairs in question.

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