Dylan's Hill di James Howerton edito da iUniverse
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Dylan's Hill







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Descrizione Dylan's Hill

Dylan is only sixteen, but his life has already been filled with horror and sorrow. After his mother and father commit suicide together, Dylan begins to believe society will eventually collapse into chaos. He obsessively prepares for doomsday, having no idea how quickly the world will disintegrate in his immediate future. It is May when Dylan drives a truck filled with supplies into the Abraham National Forest; there, he adopts a hill; sets up camp with his German Shepard puppy, Hans; and waits for something apocalyptic to happen. But before long, an intruder infiltrates his camp. Julie, a pistol-wielding eighteen-year-old, is supposedly a rock climber, but in truth she is scared to death of the same thing he is: the end of the world. As gunfire echoes in the distance and the world is thrown into violence and panic, Dylan and Julie decide to face life together without electricity, security, or a promise of anything. But when strange things beyond their imagination begin to appear, both cannot help but wonder if they are the new Adam and Eve. In this compelling tale, two teenagers attempt to carve out a new existence in a treacherous wilderness where only the smartest and bravest survive.

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