Dying Love di Bobby Marshall edito da iUniverse
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Dying Love







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Descrizione Dying Love

A day without love is mindless and cruel, To live such a life one must be a fool Is it ok to die in love or to live for a dying love? These questions continue to puzzle author Bobby Marshall, a young man who has yearned for such a love. Marshall has written hundreds of stanzas in an attempt to understand the concept that unconditional love can only come from one place. This enduring collection of love poems reflects truth, courage, and understanding in a world that can sometimes seem heartless. Read between the lines in Dying Love and understand the true words being spoken. Go deep into the soul of an enticing individual and hear what the hearts of men are afraid to say. Listen to the true meaning of love, be quiet, and let love speak, and then be still and let love be free. Clear your mind and open your heart to a dying love that has yet to be compared, and journey to a place that is consistent and good-natured.

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