Dwelling in a New World di Robert Gold edito da iUniverse
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Dwelling in a New World

Revealing a Life-Altering Technology







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Descrizione Dwelling in a New World

We are entering a new technological era. In this world, we relate with ourselves and others in a clear, precise manner. In Dwelling in a New World, author Robert Gold introduces an invention that will provide an explosive expansion of our capacities and profoundly reorient us, growing our relations and awareness. Dwelling in a New World reconstructs communication, technology, and accounting. Exploring what we have taken for granted, it tells of reinventing communication and our understanding of existence in order to gain an awareness of a direct connection with affinity, harmony, happiness, and serenity. It provides an opportunity for our relationships to become simple and natural. Organized in a question-answer format, Gold announces a new structure, a new technological space, and a drastic shift in how humanity relates to organizations, others, and themselves. Gold¿s invention offers clarity and gives us direct access to what is important and helps us by giving us a compass for living a life we love.

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