Dusty Roads: First Highway Taken di Harscher edito da MILL CITY PR INC
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Dusty Roads: First Highway Taken

Dusty Roads




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Descrizione Dusty Roads: First Highway Taken

The journey of a young girl through her early years and into adulthood as she becomes a detective living her days of wanting to be a cowboy and trying to answer the questions of life. Dusty takes us on a journey of the universal laws and moral understandings of life as it unfolds with such synchronicity. Dusty Roads was finally given literary breath from the mind and mystical heart of Rebecca Harscher. Growing up with a father who wore a badge, her siblings and herself were often regaled with tales of mystery and intrigue. It is evident that these characters are constructed from years of experiences throughout Rebecca's life. She would find threads between seemingly inane things within her days and captivate her friends and children with the possibilities of mysterious motives and alternate iterations of events. Always able to see a few steps past the surface. Find yourself caught up in the journey as only Dusty can bring to life the detective in all of us. Reminding us that anything is possible, to never, ever, stop paying attention to your gut. Her word craft stays true to home and lets all in on what we might be missing right in front of us.

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€ 19.52
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