Drug-Drug Interactions in the Hospital di Priska Vonbach, J Beer, A Dubied, S Krähenbühl, CR Meier, PE Ballmer, F Möll, R Reich edito da Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften AG  Co. KG
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Drug-Drug Interactions in the Hospital

Drug-Drug Interactions in the Hospital





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Descrizione Drug-Drug Interactions in the Hospital

Our four studies highlight the importance of potential drug-drug interactions as a contributing factor in drug safety. Thus, this book contains these studies starting with the evaluation of drug interaction screening programs, continuing with the prevalence of drug-drug interactions during hospitalization and the pharmacist intervention study and ending with a case-control study about risk factors for gastrointestinal bleeding. We conclude, that improvements regarding the awareness of potential drug-drug interactions and a strict management should be implemented. Prescribing drugs with a low risk for potential drug-drug interactions as well as careful monitoring for adverse drug reactions are important measures in the prevention of harm associated with potential drug-drug interactions.

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