Drowning In You di Devon Vesper edito da Lulu.com
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Drowning In You







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Descrizione Drowning In You

When Emrys finds a blue scale, he enters a savage world of magic and murder. With Riptide, a hot sea dragon, can he defeat their assassin for love? Doctor Emrys Fairweather returns home to find his mother murdered and the killer on the loose. As he packs up her belongings, he finds a mysterious blue scale with a powerful hold over him. When the killer tracks Emrys down, they drown him, determined to get the scale for themselves. Sea Dragon Champion Riptide Bluescale, has stuck around Trident Cove to protect Emrys's mother. Having given her his heart scale to summon him, when Emrys puts it on, Riptide thinks it's his beloved friend. But when he finds Emrys dead in the water, he quickly breathes life back into him and soon realizes that this gorgeous human... is his mate. As they fight to get the scale back and exact revenge, Emrys and Riptide's bond grows at a lightning pace, lighting up both their protective instincts. Can they overcome the odds and find their happily ever after? Find out in Drowning In You, a thrilling urban fantasy romance novella. Don't miss out on this exciting tale-pick up your copy today! Drowning In You is technically part of the Trident Cove series, as it happens between Averlon and Revyn. However, it can be read and enjoyed as a standalone without having read either of the two mentioned books.

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