Drought Stress in Peanut di Shankar Laware, Bajirao Shinde edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Drought Stress in Peanut

Screening peanut varieties for drought stress tolerance- A physiological approach





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Descrizione Drought Stress in Peanut

This book is an outcome of the research findings and encompasses five chapters pertaining to physiology, productivity and stomatal behavior of peanut under drought stress. Chapter-1 comprises a review on productivity and physiological alterations under drought stress in peanut and other crop plants. Chapter-2 incorporates studies on in-vitro screening of recently released peanut varieties at germination level under PEG induced drought stress. Chapter-3 and 4 are related to plant growth, productivity, stress-induced alteration in organic and inorganic constituents as well as role of antioxidant enzymes in drought stress management in selected drought tolerant and susceptible peanut varieties. Chapter-5 incorporates stomatal indices and stomatal behaviour in stress tolerant and susceptible varieties under drought stress conditions. A brief summary is also included at the end. The methods used for screening of drought tolerant varieties and the research findings provide useful information to the students, teachers and researchers in the field of Botany and Agriculture.

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