Drop It!: Operation Leave Gravity Alone di Ryan Lessard edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Drop It!: Operation Leave Gravity Alone

Operation Leave Gravity Alone







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Descrizione Drop It!: Operation Leave Gravity Alone

So who is Ryan Lessard? For a long time he was the produce guy, as this is the only contact I d ever had with him, seeing him stock produce at a local supermarket at which we both worked. We never discussed the ripeness of lettuce, or what season was best for growing tomatoes and, whereas, I m sure neither of us lost much sleep over that fact, what is unfortunate is that it took almost 10 years before I knew that he was much more than just the produce guy. Ryan is not just a poet, or a writer for that matter; he s what I call a reactive visionary. He s not a prophet; he simply sees. And then he writes. His poetry comes from all elements of life, things that he embraces and expresses to the fullest. His words are honest and powerful without being overtly obvious, or strung out with clich

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