A Driving Force Within: A 'real Life' Novel di Bernice G. Dyck edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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A Driving Force Within: A 'real Life' Novel

A 'Real Life' Novel







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Descrizione A Driving Force Within: A 'real Life' Novel

As Molly Brighton returns from the west coast, to reclaim the city of Winnipeg as her 'home', her excitement and exhilaration are suddenly overcome as she struggles to come to terms with a brutal attack in the back lane. Still a teenager, and unwilling to interfere with her parents' new outlook on life, she keeps the rape to herself, and suffers devastating pain and distress when she determines that she is now pregnant. Trying to decide how she should get rid of this unwanted child, she struggles between abortion and adoption. Hoping to keep her parents from finding out, to spare them the agony and humiliation that she is experiencing, Molly begins to weave a web of deceit, lying to her parents and to herself, as she attempts to handle this overwhelming situation on her own. At the most desperate time of her life, a long distance trucker becomes her knight in shining armor, who helps her to deal with the situation and to re-establish herself into his cabin at the lake. Keeping her past deeply hidden, Molly is relieved that everything should now unfold in a normal manner, but this too was not to be. There was more to come... almost more than she could bear. When Charlie's deceits were revealed, and she had no one to turn to, Molly called on her own deep well of inner strength - her Driving Force Within - to help sort out her options and make decisions that would affect her dramatically, for the rest of her life. Several times, the future looks good ahead, but the present keeps changing... and not always for the better, as her web of deceit continues to grow. Empathize with Molly as she bares her soul and seeks guidance and strength to go on!

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