Dreams of the Heart di David Crain edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Dreams of the Heart







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Descrizione Dreams of the Heart

Lewis Walker is a father struggling with running a ranch, economic hard times, two boys growing up too fast and trying to balance family values while at the same time trying to not let the outside world drag him and his family down. Thelma is a mother who is always willing to make personal sacrifices for a family that is the joy and love of her life. Walk in Lewis's shoes as he and Thelma cope with everyday trials and tribulations of an Arizona ranch family as they live through some of the hardest times in American history, "The Great Depression". See how two loving parents try to teach, by example, their two grown sons, that you can have dreams no matter what your personal circumstances may be. And that family is the most valued treasure of all. Read along as their two sons, Brady and Chance, learn about dealing with bullies, learning to drive, doing the right thing, family and girls. And meet ninety three year old Uncle Hank who loves whiskey, buttermilk biscuits, his old mule Gypsy and being a part of the Walker family. The Walkers have their dreams, what are yours?

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