Dream Journal di Bill Johnson, Beni Johnson, Danny Silk edito da DESTINY IMAGE INC
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Dream Journal





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Descrizione Dream Journal

Every moment that you are sleeping is a potential opportunity for God to be speaking directly to you! By using the Dream Journal, you'll receive daily inspirational quotes from Bill and Beni Johnson, Danny Silk, and other voices from Bethel Church, encouraging you to discover how to hear God's voice and live a supernatural lifestyle. "We've been given the capacity to dream and, more importantly, to dream with God. His language continues to be unveiled, His heart is being imparted, and permission has been given to try to exaggerate His goodness." -Bill Johnson "When any of us go into God's presence and tap into the realm of Heaven, we position ourselves to receive great breakthroughs." -Beni Johnson "The dreams ingrained upon your heart are resident there because God wants to use you to bring revival in the particular realm of society you are zealous about." -Banning Liebscher You will also rediscover the lost art of writing down your dreams. Keep this journal by your bed at night with the expectation that God desires to communicate with you while you sleep.

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