Dragons & Dinosaurs: Pater's Crystal di Timothy Martin edito da TRAFFORD PUB
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Dragons & Dinosaurs: Pater's Crystal

Pater's Crystal







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Descrizione Dragons & Dinosaurs: Pater's Crystal

Jim is a small-town police officer, proudly doing his duty like any law enforcement agent would. When a call comes in reporting the grizzly deaths of several animals from a local farm; Jim begins an investigation that will change his life forever. After crashing his vehicle following a bloody trail in the woods , he wakes up and realizes that he is not only lost, but he's in a dangerous land where dragons, dinosaurs and magic exist. Jim's continuing adventures as he helps to ensure the future for the family he is building. A fast paced adventure filled with dwarves, elves, & dragons. From the cold and snow in the North to the depths of the oceans in search of the legendary dragon crystal which might give Jim just enough power to defeat the deadly Malum and the evil wizard Chavez. He relies on his training and survival instincts to continues to cheat death. Will he finally be able to balance the power before the dark forces take over. An evil wizard and the creatures he has aligned with must be destroyed before they bring ruin to the entire world he has grown to love. This world has waited for a long time for someone.... a leader . . . . a hero. Can Jim be this person? Things certainly are heating up in more ways than ever expected!

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