Down Dog! di Lucy Emblem edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Down Dog!

A Tamsin Kernick English Cozy Mystery Book 3





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Descrizione Down Dog!

Peace reigns in October in the misty Malvern Hills, right in the Heart of England ... or does it? Just as Tamsin Kernick is settling down to enjoying training her clients' puppies and dogs and not solving murders, a dead body is found at the foot of the fire escape after a yoga class given by her gentle housemate, Emerald. Did the poor girl fall, or was she pushed? And why was this experienced forager showing symptoms of deadly mushroom poisoning? With some unsavoury things going on at the Health Shop, upheavals in the local Food for Free movement, and connections with racehorse-doping into the bargain, Tamsin finds herself facing real danger as she attempts to unravel the mystery. Can her faithful furry friends get to her rescue in time and sniff out the killer? Down Dog! is the entertaining third book in the Tamsin Kernick English Cozy Mysteries series. If you enjoy gripping mysteries which are hard to put down, delightful dogs, quirky characters, and the beauty of the English countryside in Autumn, you'll love Lucy Emblem's latest warmhearted story.

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