A Donkey Up A Minaret di Terry White edito da New Generation Publishing
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A Donkey Up A Minaret





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Descrizione A Donkey Up A Minaret

Commissioned to design the prestigious 'Gateway to the Gulf' project, Marcus Moon and his co director, Hugo Elmes, have a highly lucrative opportunity on their hands. But events do not run nearly as smoothly as they'd hoped. A lascivious beautiful blonde, crooked agents, an all-powerful Arab sheikh, a devious architect, Thai ladyboys, trade union skulduggery and the boys in the Frog and Nightgown - all come into play. To top it all, when the Oresundsbro Bridge collapses in Sweden, Marcus' bridge design is called into question - threatening financial ruin and prison. A fantastic follow-up to The Horns of the Moon, A Donkey Up A Minaret is an extremely entertaining, laugh-out-loud tale full of classic Marcus Moon fare. Terry White has done it again.

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