Don'ts for Weddings di Anonymous edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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Don'ts for Weddings





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Descrizione Don'ts for Weddings

Following the success of Don'ts for Husbands and Don'ts for Wives a brand new old collection of advice for couples from courtship to the honeymoon.On looking for a partner in life:"Don't single out a girl if you do not intend to propose to her, for the way in which your conduct is regarded will be greatly influenced by your banking account"On The Question:"Don't rush but chose an auspicious moment,  A man who tries to propose when a servant is expected to arrive with a scuttle of coals is not likely to meet with much favour."On the Engagement:"Don't allow awkward pauses to break the conversation because your thoughts and eyes are hungrily trying to follow your lover, who is manfully assisting the hostess."On Planning The Event:"Don't forget that elderly bridesmaids in youthful frocks and girlish hats are ridiculous to the unthinking, and pathetic to those who look below the surface."On Gifts:"Don't be thoughtless - Good silver is always a joy, but remember the young wife with only one servant will have to rub up her own silver backed brushes and sweetmeat dishes if she wants them to look nice."The Honeymoon:"Don't indulge in a long honeymoon. Undisturbed possession soon palls, and man was made for something more virile than perpetual billing and cooing."

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