Don't Count Sheep; Count M's di Phyllis Finney edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Don't Count Sheep; Count M's





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Descrizione Don't Count Sheep; Count M's

Bradley Compton is a child of the system. Due to his single mother's death in childbirth at a very early age, Bradley is raised by his spiteful grandmother. Denied love and happiness as a child, he over-compensates himself when he reaches the age of maturity. Nothing can stop Bradley. He becomes a man of greed, selfishness, cunning, deceit, and murderous intent. Bradley arrives in Chicago, Illinois where he meets Millie Noland. She has what Bradley desires. Millie comes from a background of shame and humiliation, carrying dark secrets deep in her heart that she never would want revealed, not even to her family. She is no match for Bradley as he involves her in a web of M's. In the meantime, Madrid, Millie's son born in her painful past, finds his mother after years of searching. Will Madrid help Millie out of the tangled web of murder and mystery?

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