A Doggy Day in London Town: Life Among the Dog People of Paddington Rec, Vol. IV di Anthony Linick edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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A Doggy Day in London Town: Life Among the Dog People of Paddington Rec, Vol. IV

Life Among the Dog People of Paddington Rec, Vol. IV







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Descrizione A Doggy Day in London Town: Life Among the Dog People of Paddington Rec, Vol. IV

The Dog People of Paddington Rec The society into which we were now to take our place was a unique one, an ever-changing kaleidoscope of dogs and their owners. The dogs represented most of the popular breeds and many of the mutt-like mixtures-and so did their accompanying humans, who came from diverse nationalities and from many walks of life: professionals and job seekers, young and old, family members and loners. They were united in their love of dogs, and on the central green of the park, on its walkways and at the café where they gathered after exercising their animals. They often let this affection for dogs carry them into friendships that transcended park life and involved many of them in additional social activities.

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