Does ANY a This CRAP Make SENSE ta Ya, OR Am I Jest FUNNIN' Ya.....YOU DECIDE !!! di A. L. "Big Al" Nolram edito da AuthorHouse
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Does ANY a This CRAP Make SENSE ta Ya, OR Am I Jest FUNNIN' Ya.....YOU DECIDE !!!

A Rather HUMOROUS (In MY "Opinion".....the ONLY One That Counts) "Politickin' and Religiousmess" Satire of OUR Time (the "Last Days")







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Descrizione Does ANY a This CRAP Make SENSE ta Ya, OR Am I Jest FUNNIN' Ya.....YOU DECIDE !!!

Those a Y'all Who Voted AGAINST the "CURRENT" Tit-Turd MASSA President Obamma Ramma Administration ALREADY Believe Whay's in This Here Book WITHOUT Readin' it, BUTT (and I'm a Showin' Ya My REALLY BIG BUTT Agin) The REST a Y'all Need ta Git OFF'n Yer DEAD ASSes and Yer DAMN Tater Couches and READ My DAMN Book So's Ya Don't Make THAT Mistake Agin (NOR Another'n JEST "Like" it), SOOOOO Ms Sarah Palin.....Dear Lady......AND Mr Herman Cain.......Kind Sir.........AND ALL a YOU "OTHER" NIPer CORE Constituency "Called to Service" in Chapter 3 (Barbara Walters, Robert Duvall, Oprah Winfrey, Colin Powell, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenagger, Jessie "The Body" Ventura, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Steve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, Brian Kilmeade, "Junior" or "Trinity", etc.) It's TIME ta Board the NIPer Train (or 13 Bomb-Bustin' Bus CONVOYYYY) !!!

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