Do You Look Like Your Dog? di Gini Graham Scott edito da iUniverse
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Do You Look Like Your Dog?







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Descrizione Do You Look Like Your Dog?

Have you ever noticed how many people look like their dog? Have you spotted these look-alikes on the street, in the park, or at a family picnic? Have you been to a dog and owner look-alike contest at a local fair? Now you can see examples of this phenomenon in DO YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR DOG?, a book which features 100 look-alike owners and dogs. The photos comes from the popular Website, which gets thousands of hits a day, and the book features about 50 photos sent in by owners from all over the world and the rest taken by author Gini Graham Scott at dog shows in the San Francisco Bay Area. The book has even become a game introduced by Briarpatch and a song featured on YouTube, MySpace, and other sites. The dogs range from toy Poms and Miniature Pinschers to Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, Irish Wolfhounds, Siberian Huskies, and many more. The book also includes a brief introduction about how the hundreds of breeds developed and the reason that many people do resemble like their dog in many ways, from their hair style and hair color to their body build, personality, and dress. So see if you can find your favorite dog-owner look-alike and enjoy.

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