Do I Know You? di Emily Wibberley, Austin Siegemund-Broka edito da BERKLEY BOOKS
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Do I Know You?





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Descrizione Do I Know You?

"Eliza and Graham's marriage is quietly failing. With their five-year anniversary approaching, neither of them are thrilled about the weeklong getaway to the Treeline Retreat they've been gifted. Nestled on the Northern California coastline, the inn prides itself on being a destination for those in love and those looking to find it-but for Eliza and Graham it's the last place they want to be. After a well-meaning guest mistakes Eliza and Graham as being single and introduces them at the hotel bar, they don't correct him. Suddenly, they're pretending to be perfect strangers and it's Eliza and Graham find themselves flirting like it's their first date and sharing pillow talk secrets. Everyone at the retreat can see the electric chemistry between Eliza and Graham's alter egos. But as they realize this performance could be the thing that saves their marriage, their game becomes something more"--

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