Divorcing with Kids di Richard Sherman edito da iUniverse
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Divorcing with Kids

An Interactive Workbook For Parents And Their Children







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Descrizione Divorcing with Kids

We know that this is a difficult time as you consider ending your marriage and consider separation and possibly even divorce. We also know how hard this situation is for your children. This workbook draws upon our years of experience helping our patients navigate this process and will help you and your kids get through the often painful process of separation and divorce. Our approach is to give you ways to assist taking care of your kid's needs while not forgetting your own. We have included a number of exercises that are just for parents because we believe that kids' distress can be minimized by parents handling the situation wisely. It is our hope that as you work through these exercises, you will be more helpful and supportive of your children. By understanding the needs of your family, you can make a painful process much less painful. We know that change can be very hard. We believe that as you go through the exercises in this workbook, you will start feeling more hopeful and encouraged.

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