DIVINE LOVE - Transforming the Soul  VOL.V di James E. Padgett (Recorder), Joseph Babinsky (Compiler) edito da Lulu.com
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DIVINE LOVE - Transforming the Soul VOL.V







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Descrizione DIVINE LOVE - Transforming the Soul VOL.V

This is volume five of 5 books. Altogether the books contain the messages received from angelic realms by means of automatic writing through the mediumistic work of James E. Padgett between 1914 and 1920. They reveal information such as: the realities of the spirit and soul universe; the qualities and attributes of the Creator; laws of Divine Love and natural Love; qualities of Absolute Truth; understanding the human soul, spirit body and mortal body; soul progression on earth and in the spirit world; spiritual laws such as the law of compensation and the law of attraction; the two paths of spiritual development as first presented by Jesus in the first century, each path resulting in the purification of the soul, but only one path resulting in eternal progression, complete emotional bliss and immortality. The major theme of the basic principles governing the reception of Divine Love by the human soul is also covered.

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