Divine Contact-Discovery of The Original New Testament di Rev. David Bauscher edito da Lulu.com
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Divine Contact-Discovery of The Original New Testament







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Descrizione Divine Contact-Discovery of The Original New Testament

This book documents an incredible phenomenon in The Peshitta New Testament, which was written in the language of Jesus and his countrymen of 1st century Israel. Aramaic was used in Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ" to make the film as realistic and accurate as possible. This discovery of long Gospel messages in the form of "Bible Codes" will surprise and thrill the reader with the power and inspiration of the words of the Codemaker - "God". Long codes & an exhaustive search for Divine Name codes give very compelling evidence that The Aramaic Peshitta NT is the Divinely authored original behind the Greek NT. The codes and nine other comprehensive analyses take up 124 pages. Color graphics are used throughout the book, with many illustrations of codes in large Hebrew letters with English translations,charts and art work. 8.5 x 11" Color hardback.

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