Divine Blood di H. T. Night edito da Lulu.com
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Divine Blood







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Descrizione Divine Blood

This full-length novel of Josiah Reign covers eighteen years of his twin boys growing up and coming into their own as young men. From youthful misadventures that reveal his quiet son Jason's power to heal others, to Joshua's charismatic personality and surprising gift, Josiah experiences both love for his sons and valiant struggles in his turbulent marriage to Lena. It is not without heartrending, increasing sorrow and outrage that Josiah never truly comes to terms with the Triat's prophecy that one of the boys will be sacrificed for the good of the Mani vampires. But Josiah is still a fighter at heart, though he hasn't seen battle action for a while, and it will be over his dead body before anyone lays a hand on one of his sons. It's getting harder to call up an army and Josiah goes solo and dusts off his fighting skills to protect his family. He also examines his beliefs and questions the Triat's control over who lives and who dies. But who is a friend and who is a foe?

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