Diversity of Uses and Activities in the public space: Vancouver, BC di Babak Behnia edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Diversity of Uses and Activities in the public space: Vancouver, BC

Vancouver, BC





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Descrizione Diversity of Uses and Activities in the public space: Vancouver, BC

The urban public space in North America has come under a renewed sense of interest and importance in recent years. Planners, landscape architects, urban designers and architects have been studying different aspects of urban public spaces for ages, but a look at diversity of uses and activities has historically been of minute significance in academic circles. This book is an illustration of the importance of diversity of uses and activities within the confines of a select number of public spaces in the City of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada. Findings in this research shed lights on how municipalities, the public, and professional designers need to move forward with making and maintaining vibrant public spaces in the future.

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