Districts of Paris di Source Wikipedia edito da Books LLC, Reference Series

Districts of Paris

La Défense, Le Marais, Montmartre, Montparnasse, Les Halles, Axe historique, Grande Arche, Latin Quarter, Paris, Place du Tertre, Paris districts, Mon





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Descrizione Districts of Paris

Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 61. Chapters: La Défense, Le Marais, Montmartre, Montparnasse, Les Halles, Axe historique, Grande Arche, Latin Quarter, Paris, Place du Tertre, Paris districts, Montmartre funicular, Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, Paris, Archives nationales, Carnavalet Museum, Trocadéro, Belleville, Paris, Petit-Montrouge, Place des Vosges, Musée Picasso, Goutte d'Or, Engineering School Leonard de Vinci, Faubourg Saint-Germain, Revolutionary sections of Paris, Saint Pierre de Montmartre, 18th arrondissement of Paris, Cour des miracles, Hôtel de Soubise, Passy, Tours Société Générale, Quartier Pigalle, Coeur Défense, Théâtre du Marais, Le Chat Noir, Tour First, Tour Generali, Musée Cognacq-Jay, Ménilmontant, Tour Total, Esplanade de La Défense, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme, Grenelle, Hôtel de Sully, Tour Sans Fins, Tour Gan, Agoudas Hakehilos Synagogue, Tour CBX, Tour EDF, Tour Areva, Tour Les Poissons, Tour Initiale, Rue des Rosiers, Tour Adria, Tour Sequoia, Tour Égée, Tour Granite, Batignolles, Tour Ariane, Esso Tower, Tour Défense 2000, Tour Europlaza, Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Tour Descartes, Jardin de Tivoli, Paris, Tour France, Tour T1, Tour Franklin, Préfecture des Hauts-de-Seine, Bercy, Hôtel de Sens, Quartier de La Chapelle, Tour Aurore, Ma Bourgogne. Excerpt: Most of the Paris we see today is a result of a nineteenth-century renovation, but its boulevards and arrondissements were but a new grid bisecting quarters built by centuries of Parisian habit; as a result of this, Paris has many quarters that are not necessarily mentioned on any administrative map. Although Paris's origins are in its Left Bank, Parisians began to move to the newly-dried swampland of the Right bank around the 10th century, leaving the Left Bank to ecclesiastical and scholastic institutions. Commerce was at its highest around the Châtelet bridge guardhouse and Place de Grève port, a market quarter that would later become Les Halles, artisans tended to keep to the east of the city, and the more noble residences and shops were always near the royal palaces. Although many are split between several arrondissements, most of these tendencies still hold true in Paris today. Below are a few quarters that have developed or retained a character of their own, usually identifiable by a grouping of commercial activity and named for a neighbourhood landmark. Paris' islands were once many, but over the centuries have been united or joined to the mainland. Today there are but two adjacent islands forming the centre of Paris, the Île de la Cité and the Île Saint-Louis (plus the artificial Île aux Cygnes). The Notre-Dame cathedral Main article: Île de la CitéThe westernmost of these two island, Île de la Cité, is Paris' heart and origin. Its western end has held a palace since even Roman times, and its eastern end since the same has been consecrated to religion, especially after the construction in the 10th century of the cathedral predecessor to today's Notre-Dame. The land between the two was, until the 1850s, largely residential and commercial, but since has been filled by the city's Prefecture de Police, Palais de Justice, Hôtel-Dieu hospital and Tribunal de Commerce. Only the westernmost and north-eastern extremities of the island remain residential today, and t

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