The Dissection and Reassembly of Cohen Hoard di Elesa Hagberg edito da Splinter Press
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The Dissection and Reassembly of Cohen Hoard





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Descrizione The Dissection and Reassembly of Cohen Hoard

WHEN COHEN HOARD gets a tongue in the mail, it really ruins his day. The package isn't even addressed to him, it's addressed to Calla Human, whoever that is. Cohen doesn't have time for disembodied tongues. The transportation AI they are creating at work is going to change the world. And Cohen has to fix the bug in his demo code before it releases in a few days. But now he's got to take care of this stupid tongue first. When he manages to deliver the tongue to Calla Human, she drags him into a bizarre new world where severed limbs are merely a commodity and a mysterious client is calling all the shots. But if they don't figure out what The Client wants the body parts for, or they might be in more danger than anyone realizes. Then Cohen will never get his code fixed. Cuz he'll be dead.

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