Disruptive Security Technologies with Mobile Code and Peer-to-Peer Networks di R. R. Brooks, Clemson University edito da Taylor & Francis Inc
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Disruptive Security Technologies with Mobile Code and Peer-to-Peer Networks





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Descrizione Disruptive Security Technologies with Mobile Code and Peer-to-Peer Networks

The traditional fortress mentality of system security has proven ineffective to attacks by disruptive technologies. Disruptive security technologies are proactive in their approach to attacks. They allow systems to adapt to incoming threats, removing many of the vulnerabilities exploited by viruses and worms. This book builds a foundation for developing these adaptive systems, describing the design principles and the fundamentals of this new security paradigm. The author covers topics such as the multi-fractal model of network flow, security automata, dependability, quality of service, mobile code paradigms, code obfuscation, and distributed adaptation techniques as part of system security.

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