Display Of Heraldry Manifesting A More Easy Access To The Knowledge Thereof (1660) di John Gullim edito da Kessinger Publishing Co
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Display Of Heraldry Manifesting A More Easy Access To The Knowledge Thereof (1660)





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This work was reduced by the study and industry of Mr. Gullim. It is interlaced with much variety of history, suitable to the several occasions or subjects, to which is an addition explaining the terms of hawking and hunting for the use and delight of gentlemen. Also found within are about three hundred new coats and bearings of eminent families, in their proper sections and a true register of the blazons of all the Knights of the Garter, from the first installation to the last, and also of the Baronets from their first generation to the last. Due to the age and scarcity of the original we reproduced, some pages may be spotty, faded or difficult to read. Old English text.

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