Displacement: The Impact of Forced Removal on Memory Reconstruction di rabley jennifer edito da VDM Verlag
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Displacement: The Impact of Forced Removal on Memory Reconstruction

At the District Six Museum and Beyond


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Displacement: The Impact of Forced Removal on Memory Reconstruction

The dissertation examines a community museum and its potential to increase civic engagement within a displaced community. If central to their mission, museums can initiate the reconstruction of memories in order to rebuild communities. Recently, museums in the US have been assessing how they can build bridges with the communities they serve. However, meeting the community needs appears to be one of too many tasks taken on by museum boards, and therefore it is rarely central to the museum's mission. This dissertation examines the process for meeting community needs by researching the evolution of one museum, the District Six Museum in Cape Town, South Africa.The challenge of being displaced unites the ex-residents of District Six, and the Museum's ability to contribute to the ongoing community discourse is admirable and relevant to community museums across the globe. As a museum educator committed to meeting community needs, this dissertation seeks to understand how museums can initiate civic engagement while providing the opportunity to heal through the reconstruction of memories.

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