Disease and Dietary Patterns in Edo Central Nigeria di Anselm Adodo OSB. edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Disease and Dietary Patterns in Edo Central Nigeria

An epidemiological survey





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The labelling of chronic diseases as ¿diseases of affluence¿ is no longer valid as they also appear in poorer countries. Paradoxically, it is occurring at a faster rate in developing countries than it did in the industrialized regions of the world half a century ago. This book is based on a field work carried out in a semi-urban area of mid-west Nigeria. The author observed that ignorance and lack of proper health information are substantial impediments to good dietary habits in Africa, not just a lack of money. This research work is of utmost importance as a reference for researchers, students, and health scientists. It is also a rich source of information for the general public as well as an action plan guide for government, health economists, health administrators and policy makers.

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