Discovery di Dorcas E. Denton-Thompson edito da New Generation Publishing
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The autobiography of Dorcas E. Denton-Thompson





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Descrizione Discovery

"Discovery" presents the tapestry of the life of Dorcas Denton Thompson, who draws you in from her very first words as she reflects openly and honestly about her childhood in rural Jamaica, her transformation into a young woman, subsequent marriage and motherhood. The name Dorcas is the first Greek name of a female in the New Testament, its Hebrew equivalent being Tabitha. Dorcas Denton discovers this before reading of her biblical namesake death to life story and learning her destiny in a uniquely life changing moment. You are given a real sense of life through her eyes as she shares her thoughts and feelings. Arriving in England brought new challenges to which she was able to rise balancing the roles of wife of a Pentecostal minister, mother and working outside the home. She gives us a glimpse into the legacy and heritage that is being left for the next generation.

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