Discover Meditation: A First-Step Handbook to Better Health di Doriel Hall, James Ed. Hall edito da Ulysses Press

Discover Meditation: A First-Step Handbook to Better Health





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Descrizione Discover Meditation: A First-Step Handbook to Better Health

In today's stressful world, people are turning increasingly to alternative ways of achieving and maintaining better health. This new series offers the perfect introduction to a range of healing techniques that can be used either independently or as a complement to traditional medical treatment. Each book includes information on the history and principles of the technique, case studies, and practical guidance on how to apply it.
-- Meditation can be practiced by anyone, at any time, whatever their stage of healthFrom earliest recorded history, meditation has served as a natural tool to alter consciousness, overcome physical pain, ease unstable emotions, and override the limitations of the ego.In this clear and practical self-help guide, Doriel Hall introduces a wide range of techniques and then demonstrates their value in bringing about a state of balance, improved health, and overall well-being.Discover Meditation leads the reader step by step through a journey of discovery into this ancient discipline, addressing everything from physical positioning and breathing techniques to focusing the mind and achieving self-knowledge.

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