Dirty Wild Trilogy di Laurelin Paige edito da Paige Press LLC
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Dirty Wild Trilogy





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Descrizione Dirty Wild Trilogy

Wild Rebel We were supposed to run away after high school. When she didn't show up at our meeting place, I gathered my courage and went after her. It was a mistake. I left bloodied and bruised. My heart didn't fare half as well. I had no choice but to walk away. Years passed. A decade. More. I traveled, settled halfway around the world, made myself a name and enough money that I didn't have to look back. But I never got over her. And when my memories got the best of me, I went looking. Put all my effort behind the search. Even the best of the best private eyes couldn't find the woman I'd deeply loved. Then, out of the blue, she calls. And, what she asks for, the favor that she wants? I never thought I'd be willing to take a life. But the truth is, and always has been: I'd do anything for her. Wild War As soon as I saw him, it was war. I thought at first it would be between me and him. Cade was cold and hard and didn't want anything to do with the headmaster's daughter. I was off-limits. He didn't need that kind of trouble. I didn't need that kind of trouble, either. And since I did my best to avoid any kind of trouble, that should have been the end of it. But the war isn't over for either of us. Not as long as my father is alive.

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