The Director Had a Heart Attack and the President Resigned di Gerald Bubis edito da iUniverse
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The Director Had a Heart Attack and the President Resigned

Board-Staff Relations for the 21st Century







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Descrizione The Director Had a Heart Attack and the President Resigned

This unique volume offers useful material on how to deal with the realities and practicalities of board-staff relations within all types of non-profit organizations and religious institutions. No other book of its kind has brought together the combination of resources contained herein. It begins with a series of timeless articles by a number of the leading thinkers in the field of nonprofit governance and organizational development-including Peter Drucker, Gerald Bubis, Richard Chait, Ralph Kramer, Barbara Taylor, Miriam Wood, along with prominent rabbis and ministers. They address various aspects of the issues of governance and the challenges inherent in the relationship between volunteer and executive leadership. It also offers over 50 scenarios from real life, providing short case studies of true situations, touching on most of the problems confronting volunteers and professionals in the course of working together. Thought-provoking questions leading to opportunities for role-play follow each scenario. Helpful tools and exercises for dealing with a wide range of the everyday board and staff predicaments are highlighted throughout. Consider it the "must have" guide to handling the realities of board-staff relations within non-profit and religious organizations.

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